Moi Hoon Yap

Moi Hoon Yap

Dr Moi Hoon Yap  is a Reader in computer vision at the Manchester Metropolitan University. She is leading the Human-Centred Computing Group. She is the holder of the Royal Society Industry Fellow with Image Metrics Ltd, and the PI/Co-I of the research projects funded by the Royal Society, Cancer Research UK, Innovate UK, H2020 and industry partners. Her research interests are facial analysis and medical image analysis, mainly in deep learning for real-world computer vision applications. To date, she has organised several workshops and grand challenges, including: Facial Micro-expressions Grand Challenges (MEGC2018 – MEGC2020), an ACCV 2016 workshop and Micro-expression recognition challenge in ICIP 2020. She also serves as the Program Chair for BMVC 2020.

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